Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mission: Moleskine

A few days ago I realized that I needed a better journal/notebook to write in. Upon this fact I remembered while at Borders that Moleskines are pretty awesome. After returning a day or two later, I sat locked indecisively trying to make up my mind which type of Moleskine I wanted to own. Perhaps I should explain a bit further. The tough time making a decision was made up by two factors: a) there are many different variables in the types of this brand of notebook, 3 sizes, lined, unlined, sketch book, red or black, soft or hard cover, etc. b) One of the things that I know most definitively about myself is that I am indecisive.

It took me the better part of an hour and a half to choose which type of moleskine to get. I finally decided on a nice lined, soft cover, medium sized one and I think it was a good choice overall. So maybe its not entirely a matter of being indecisive so much as it is liberally weighing my options. Another Thing that I have had consistant trouble deciding on is a major or a career towards aspiring after graduation. This means that when asked what field I am going into dutifully, my answer/response is none other than "undecided"or in another word; "indecisive". Sometimes its a bit like wearing a sign around my neck announcing my inability in handling decisions.

In the end its fine: really. I would not trade in my indecisiveness for any being completely decisive and rash. It just gets a little frustrating not knowing sometimes. But I guess that's like the future in general; where's the fun in knowing before you get there? Would anyone run a race if they knew for certain who the winner would be every time? There's no surprises in that, so in that way I think my indecisiveness is great. In this way it postpones the surprise of what the heck I am going to end up doing with most of my life.


Rob said...

That's probably the best excuse I've heard for being indecisive :-p

Michelle May said...

well, my excuse for being indecisive is that I'm a Libra.. Works like a charm... But after a while, people just roll their eyes! :)

Eric said...

hey thanks for reading! and perhaps you're onto something there, I'm a libra too, never really factored that in.