Sunday, June 2, 2013

BOY - Drive Darling

  The video for BOY's song 'Drive Darling' is a mini cinematic wonder. At first glance it is simply two women driving along a snow covered highway. But a few more seconds in the camera pans down and we notice that the woman in the passenger seat is injured. The woman driving is talking urgently, trying to take her mind off  the pain. There's a cut to them sipping coffee in a diner silently gazing at each other. At the other end of the diner is a man looking on. Is this a flashback? Is he their pursuer? A ghost from the past? It is never revealed. All we see is the endless curving, snow covered mountain roads and the two women who are running away from something.

The song itself builds piece by piece from soft guitars and a drum keeping beat to later a bit of xylophone. The lyrics are sung softly and deliberately evoking a past left behind. Even without the video, you can feel the motion in the words and in the music. The regular drum beat feels like a clacking of train tracks. The chorus of "Drive darling, drive darling, drive" come off somewhere between a command and a plea, but either way a constant urging to let go and move on.

Drive Darling

Directed by: Rafael Palacio Illingworth
Cinematography by Todd Banhazl
Editing by: Daniel Raj Koobir
Produced by: Eleonore Meier
Production Company: NORA FILMS

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