Sunday, March 29, 2009

A New Chapter

That title makes this probably sound a lot more epic than it really is, or maybe it is more epic than i think it is. Either way I suppose. A new quarter begins, the spring is beginning, this is a new blog post, new haircut, new sunglasses(I forgot to bring my other ones along on vacation, not that anyone cares about the welfare of my sunglasses that strongly..), and last but in no way least, I have a Specialty Show on our campus radio station here, starting next Monday at 10:00 to 11:00PM, it can be found at then(shows called Volcanoes in Winter). So yeah, that is that. And I could very well not be talking to anyone, but I do not care.

Riding in the car this afternoon, I look out the window all I can see in the reflection white cords of my ipod headphones. I thought it was kind of funny because it reminded me of the commercials with the dancing silhouettes with only white cords visible, from that my mind jumped to music so that brought up Arcade Fire in my mind which was there since the day before I had watched a new video for Where the Wild Things Are and their song Wake Up was the background to the trailer which in turn made me think of how many movies that look pretty great are coming out this year. That right there is a look at a track of the train of thought of my mind.

I am pretty sure this movie is going to be fairly awesome.

Where the Wild Things Are

You better look out below!

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