Monday, February 14, 2011

Banjo Naps

Bang upon your banjo, strum it fast with a ferocity to match your desperate state of mind. I can hear the drum lightly in the background keeping peace between all the instruments, forever fair. The guitar bleeds, notes picked delicately string by string, a trapeze of acoustic sounds bouncing off the walls. Chaos, you say; far from it, I reply. Who wins? Guitar or Banjo? Well that is a battle that will never have a clear winner, a clear outcome for the world to boast about. No, rather it is a dual which shall go on until there are no more hands left to strum, to bang, to create sound. They do no have to work in opposition, but also can work in harmony; that is the key to the strongest forces, they have the choice of which side they which to pitch their lot in with.

I believe in napping when you're tired. Sometimes you persevere whether or not it is a sound idea for your body to keep going. And for this reason I believe that it is okay to fall asleep in class, even when the information is important, sometimes the body does not receive the rest that it most definitely deserves. So let it rests when sleep takes it, sleep being a raptor swooping down upon the vole to snatch it in its claws. Its ugly but don't fight it, please. Let your body do what it needs to do. Why we cannot take care of ourselves the way we should I cannot say, I wish that we could, but most of us are incapable so please submit when your body asks you to.

Mumford and Sons
The Cave

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