Sunday, March 11, 2012

Surviving College Part 4: Leaving and the Library

My college career seems to be quickly coming to a close: I am in the finals week of winter quarter of my senior year. After this I just have a quarter to spend in Ecuador which will start in about a week's time. I am excited about that, my thoughts and adventures will be found at Letters of Adventure, though I will probably write about it here as well.  But back to college as a whole, I started a series of posts last year entitled "Surviving College" as a sort of beginner's guide to the college experience and at times life itself. I did not end up going as far with it as I meant to, but I intend to continue it here and in subsequent posts.

   Since freshman year I have used the library quite frequently. I've always felt that I can concentrate on the work that I need to accomplish better there than in my room/home/etc. I like the combined environment of solidarity of people trying to get things done and others procrastinating from work. I like the upper floors which encase "the stacks" or our entire catalog of books whether they be fiction, non-fiction, reference or other. Its like a labyrinth up there at times which you can walk about breathing in the scent of dusty novels. Though I digress, my purpose of this post is to encapsulate how I feel about the existence of the library in college. Do not be afraid of the library, do not fear the silence that permeates each floor equally. If you truly cannot stand the silence, bring headphones, that's what I do. The library is a home away from home, it has resources at your immediate disposal that you do not have when you're at home. The library is a meeting place for group projects and study sessions.  You can efficiently print large amounts of pages, or fax documents or open pdf's you could not open on your own laptop. It truly is a magical place.

And yet, some people abhor the library. Which is fine, to each their own. But at the same time I think it works as a great change of pace from your usual place of study.

Theophilus London
Humdrum Town

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