Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Old Man´s Wager

  They sat atop their horses on the precipice of a cliff overlooking the entirety of the kingdom. To the far east the Jade waterfalls were just visible in the remaining dusk light. The ancient Duke had been pontificating about the history of the land or something along those lines, Cristina had tuned him out long ago. She decided to tune back in to make sure he had not become more exciting: ¨.....and that´s how the Jade falls got their name. I wouldn´t be too surprised if you were to fall in love by the end of this expedition....¨

   Everything seemed to be in dreary order. Wait! Fall in love? With him? What?

   *Ahem* ¨Did I per chance hear you say love, Duke?¨

¨That you did!¨ His greying eyes gleaming

      ¨Ugh! Er.. I mean to say isn´t that a tad presumptuous?¨ Cristina asked

The Duke turned to give Cristina a quizzical look, ¨Presumptuous? Well, perhaps, but I am no seer. It was simply an old man´s wager. If you are having misgivings about our expedition I am quite sure they will be alleviated in time¨

Surely he could not be serious? This was improper, completely and totally. ¨Duke, but what about our age difference? I feel like that will make things a challenge to say the least.¨

¨This trail relishes a good challenge and so do I! I have seen young and old, strong and infirm pass through this way. It was a very rare lass or laddie that did not succumb to the rugged charms of the trail.¨

By now Cristina´s ears were thoroughly pink. ¨Duke, I am having doubts, I´m not so certain I can continue on.¨

   ¨Oh, you´re just getting cold feet. Like I was saying as you were contemplating the clouds, I bet you´ll gorw to love the whole of this kingdom before out travels are through.¨, He laughed, ¨Besides, your services are desperately needed as you well know. Come on, we best be off before the red mood is full in the sky.¨ The Duke snapped his horse´s reins and took off at a sprint.

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