Thursday, November 10, 2011


  The heat was scorching, utterly suffocating, it seared you clear to the bone sending screams of agony from your throat.  And with the sound of your own voice calling out you wake up startled then absolutely relieved to find yourself in bed and not consumed by flames. The relief washes over you like a wave, cleansing, calming you down 'til you can breath easy once more. You pat the sheets and mattress around you, fluff the pillows and try to get back to sleep.  You're almost comfortable once again, you're wary that the dream might return, but you're tired. You're almost asleep asleep when you smell something burning; something burnt.

   Jumping out of bed without a thought, you are like an animal filled with nothing but panic and terror: your need to survive is absolute. You get to your door, the knob isn't hot yet, but you smell smoke. Quick! Hurry before things get bad. You scurry through the house with hardly a thought for personal possessions. Through the backdoor you roll onto the the dew covered grass of the backyard, escaping deftly as the house becomes engulfed.

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