Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last day of june

On a first note, I have been feeling a bit too much like Holden Caulfield lately, probably from a job that is way too repetitive and mind numbing. Since it is such a repetitive job I get a lot of time to think about a wide range of topics. One such topic is as follows: Over the weekend I was at a graduation party of a friend of mine from High School. At one point someone made some joke about Karl Marx, something along the lines of "Name me the douche who is responsible for the worst idea ever" or maybe "who's one of the all time worst people of all time". I don't remember exactly, the point was that they were ripping on Karl Marx and Communism, which is fine, I guess....its just...I don't know, yes I am pretty sure that communism can never be put into practice successfully, but on the other hand I think that writing the communist manifesto or taking part in writing it, does not make him the worst idea haver of all time. In fact, he seems (from pictures at least) like he might have been a nice man to have tea and cookies with, yknow? I mean or for instance here's another way to look at it, what if instead of writing the communist manifesto, he had started a band? The result let's say would have been the creation of a genre such as...I don't know, punk maybe? or jazz? decades or almost a century and a half before its time. The probabiblity of that having had happened, is probably somewhat on the low side, but it would have made history's events in a certainly interesting pattern.

Or maybe that doesn't make any sense, but its an example of one of the half formed ideas I come up with while working. So I think That's all I have time for, its bedtime for me tonight, I will see you guys in July...

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