Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Survived to Summer

So I survived Freshman year..I think. There were good parts and bad parts, annoying things, and situations I never expected I would have to deal with, such is life. Hmm I tend to always have great ideas for things to write up until the point at which I sit down and start typing/writing them, so I assure you that ideas were had, great ones at that, that I was very willing to share, but they are gone for the moment, hopefully they will return. Let's see, well finals were hard, some of them anyway. I never want to do four English papers in the same day again, not in anyway fun. I really am just kind of burnt out of school work and what not and need to recharge, but now I have to work again. Ah well...
On the brightside: Its summer! and I am home for the time being. Both are things that I am happy about. Although I have never preferred summer as a season the most because I do feel that it tends to get a tad overheated at times. Tentative plans for said summer include: post on here a decent amount(I want to try to get up to 100 posts by the end of the year, or should it be the anniversary of when I started? bah whatever), write a story maybe, take some bike rides to book stores or crocker park, build something, see the sunrise(I should figure out what time that would require waking up..), swim some more, go to concerts, hang out with friends, read a lot of books, watch many movies, and have some adventures.
Okay I said a lot but didn't really say much of anything yet again, this might be a hidden talent..On the music side of things there are quite a few videos I have in mind to showcase for you all. Lets start with some Bishop Allen, who I put up here for one of my very first posts.
Bishop Allen

video is pretty sweet, its got maybe stop motion and projection and some other sly effects that I cannot identify.

Ciao for now.

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