Wednesday, August 11, 2010

RUN to YOUR grave

When you can't quite find the book you want to read, write your own. Make it one you would love to read. Forget all the fancy analogies and symbology, just tell a great story. Just tell a story. Half the time that's all we need, a good simple story.

Cuz we have to do what we can to get by. Its easy to be cynical, hard to be happy. Or at least thats the way it feels sometimes. There are good times, I swear! and they make it all worth it I think. When Life pulls the rug out from under you, do you jump or end up on the floor? Well if you can jump, I applaud you, sir or madam, you are much more prepared than I. So most times, when you hit the floor...wait til the stars clear from your eyes and get up, bit by bit. Everything will be alright.

And when your friends end up on the floor, broken, pick them back up again.

Here's a song I've been liking lately, not sure about their other music but this song is pretty great anyway.

The Mae Shi
Run To Your Grave

1 comment:

Rob said...

Nice post! although, it's funny, because you end up using an analogy with the rug being pulled out from under :-p. also, haven't downloaded new ra ra riot yet, but i'm excited to!