Sunday, August 22, 2010

Surviving College Pt 2

So you're at college, and maybe you have your first day of classes coming up. Perhaps you have some qualms. I'm here to assuage them(that is a fun word to use!). If you're unsure where your classes are, print out your schedule and walk around campus the day before. I still usually print off a copy of my schedule for the first few days, it still takes me way too long to memorize the order. You might still get lost and show up late, don't worry, it happens. You might get to your first class of the day only to find a sign directing you to a different building entirely, it happened to me once, no big deal.

Did you make it to that class in one piece? Good. Now that you're there first off let's say its a large lecture hall, don't spend 10 minutes looking for a seat next to someone you know, if you see an open seat anywhere go for it. I tend to ask if its already spoken for, but that's just me.

Most classes the first day is actually pretty unexciting as it means syllabus day. The professors pass out their syllabi go over it, possibly get into a bit of notes and usually let you out early. That's the formula anyway.

And maybe you're thinking, oh no, is this class going to be hard? Will the professor be nice? Don't worry probably most of the rest of the class are thinking the same thoughts. Pretty much everyone is on equal footing on the first day. If you miss something the professor says or part of the notes ask a neighbor or raise your hand. Some concepts are going to seem crazy complicated, please ask the professor to explain it again, the good ones can make just about anything understandable.

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