Monday, August 23, 2010

Surviving College Pt 3

Here's one I thought of, get to know your campus before running from point A to point B in the dark. I'll explain: at the beginning of freshman year I was interested in two clubs; fencing and the campus radio station. The problem was both orientation meetings for said clubs were on the same night. Luckily the meetings started a half hour or more apart so I was fairly sure I could go to fencing first, get info/see how things are, then leave early and still make it to the Radio meeting.

Seems like a solid plan, right? And it was. Except I thought I was a little late and decided I'd take what I thought would be a short cut. Also I was lightly jogging. I saw the building I was shooting for directly in front of me when WHUMP! all of the sudden I was on the ground light flashing white in my eyes. I had sent my hands out so I did catch myself a bit, largely I landed on my face and hands. Scraped my palms up pretty bad and a bit of my face too. Other than that I was fine, just mildly shaken. What had happened was the path I was following has a section without lighting, that same section unfortunately has a chain going across it. I got to the meeting with a few minutes to spare in fact, went to the restroom cleaned myself up a bit so it wouldn't look like I had been in a fight directly beforehand and went it.

Also on an unrelated note, I hate waking up in the morning. Its hard, especially when the bed has gotten to its optimum comfiness factor just before you have awoken, thereby making the exit from the bed even more challenging. I think this video illustrates that point pretty well. And The Thermals are pretty great.

The Thermals
I Don't Believe You

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