Thursday, September 8, 2011

In the Middle of the Night

    James Peter awoke in the middle of the night to find that he was crying. He was crying and he had no idea, no hint as to why that might be. He lay in the dark trying to remember any part of his dream that could be a clue, but the memory of his dream was fast receding into wisps of nothing. James clicked on his bedside lamp, grabbed a tissue and dried his face and eyes.  He looked at his digital clock to see it softly glowing green to tell him it was 3:08am. Deciding there wasn't much chance of falling immediately back to sleep, James Peter swung his legs out of the bed, his feet slipping into his slippers.

        He padded off towards the kitchen to make himself some hot cocoa, and why not  from scratch? James stopped only on his journey to the kitchen when his cat, Mr. Druthers, nuzzled his leg then mewed, as if to say, "Is everything okay?"

              "I think so", James Peter said to the cat and scratched behind his ears.  In the kitchen a pot of milk was put on the stove to boil and a saucer was set out for Mr. Druthers. The milk started to boil and the cocoa powder was spooned in.  A sweet aroma filled the air.  A chocolatey aroma which made James Peter realize that he hadn't had a proper hot cocoa since he had been a boy.  With that a wave of nostalgia hit James Peter; he remembered sipping from a large mug of hot cocoa, sitting by the fire with his siblings while his father told them all stories.  He smiled and one more tear rolled gently down his cheek.  James Peter was almost certain the memory of his childhood is what he had been dreaming about. He drank his hot cocoa at the table while Mr. Druthers lapped up his milk. With a warm feeling in his stomach and piece of mind James Peter set off back to bed with a content Mr. Druthers in tow.

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