Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snow Flakes falling outside

The ground is greenish and small white snow flakes are meandering their way down to the ground. Are they sticking? No, not quite yet. Sometimes snow seems purposeful, like it has a mission to cover the ground in a certain amount of time. Right now it seems like its just there to swirl around and play in the air, to give the illusion of being in a great big snow globe. There's a furry dog curled upon the couch, the house kind of has that half light, it would be the perfect time for a nap if I were tired and had not awoken only 2 hours previously(its 1:07PM it always says something different when I post). And I feel really calm maybe serene, brain isn't itching for a crazy scheme for once but that's okay.

So take a breath and relax for a second.

Here's to hoping that if this were a snow globe it doesn't get shaken without abandon. Cause things are peaceful for the moment, but really that's all there are; moments.

I picked a Bright Eyes song. I wish I could write backwards, that'd be a cool skill. And furthermore I think Digital Ash in a Digital Urn was a good album.

Bright Eyes
Easy, Lucky, Free

PS Happy St. Nick's Day!

1 comment:

Thom DeRoma said...

"Here's to hoping that if this were a snow globe it doesn't get shaken without abandon. Cause things are peaceful for the moment, but really that's all there are; moments."


You know, I hadn't realized that he was writing backwards until you wrote that. Nice catch. Keep catching.
