Friday, January 28, 2011

Unmotivated Friday

Friday afternoon rolls by, a caterpillar precociously making its way to the juiciest leaf. I try to get myself to work, tell myself that it will be better if everything isn't left for Sunday. Try to reason. Try to explain that relaxing isn't the answer although I'd really really like it to be.

Will the work end? If I finish it all will there truly be a break? a small one perhaps, a brief respite. Then the grind begins again. So motivation, where art thou? I can clearly see how you hide from me. A hummingbird fluttering in and out of sight, tremendous in your elegance but so so elusive. Drop your camouflage, lend me your light.

Obligations flying like arrows in the night, they hit pinning you to the wall. Do you despair? You're trapt, what can you do? Close your eyes, you breathe in, then out, in then out. You realize the situation is manageable, its not dire. A wiggle of the left arm, a nudge of the foot, you find some leeway, some space to move if just a little. You can get out of this trap, just stay focused, don't panic. One step at a time, it will all be okay, it will be all right.

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