Sunday, June 26, 2011


She said, "I think we could go toe-to-toe"

I laughed, "Baby, you ain't got toes, cuz you're a llama"

Quite insulted, she spit in my eye, I apologized then led her to the field. The sun was starting to set. I nodded to the farmer and he started to fiddle. Some birds added their voices and we had a song.

We danced all night, we danced the Rumba, the Tango, the Charleston. You named it, we probably danced it, and boy could she dance! phew! when the music finally stopped, we both smiled and bowed to each other. The rest of the people and animals hooted and hollered, clapped and wolf-whistled: what a show they exclaimed!

We bowed again. I turned to the llama and said, "Now baby, maybe you don't have toes, but baby you sure do have rhythm!" I tipped my hat to her and ambled down the road, whistling, with half a smile on my face.

That was the day Fred Astaire went toe-to-toe with a llama, her name was Genevieve.

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