Sunday, April 29, 2012

Night Gyms and Furniture Salsa

 When the sun goes goes down, when the night is fully dark, that's when the night gym opens. The lights come on and the security door rolls up to reveal a wide open space with floor mats, climbing ropes and weights waiting to be used. Slowly the night owls, vampires and zombies trickle in to workout. The trainers fresh from a day of sleeping, shout at the top of their voices, cheering their charges on and on. Up the ropes they climb, they grunt with exertion and get a little stronger, bit by bit.

  Across the street, the furniture store that's so bland and tame in the daytime opens its doors a little wider to make room for a boombox. The speakers blast salsa music into the muggy night waiting for shoppers to come in and dance, dance their furniture blues away. They sway back and forth, pulsing around the ottomans and armoires. They do cute spins around the half size china cabinets, cuddling into love seats. Don't be afraid of the dark, there's too much to do. 

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